Spring Welcome Back Social

By Michelle Pine on January 15, 2019

Ever wondered what type of kitchen utensil you’d be? NUWIT’s welcome social was the perfect place to find out! As members—new and returning—settled into their spring semesters, NUWIT got to participate in some good old-fashioned social fun.

This week’s meeting featured various icebreakers including the now-famous “What kitchen utensil would you be?” question and some speed-dating style introductions.

We also introduced new members to NUWIT’s mission and activities. To review our welcome presentation, here’s the link. Next week we’ll be hosting a research panel for those interested in finding a research position. Come prepared with questions (and a mug) because this panel features two extra special guests: hot chocolate and brownie-cookies!,

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Hubspot on-side visit! RSVP by Thursday, January 24th!